Oneness of Allah (Tawheed)

The Quran repeatedly emphasizes the belief in the oneness of Allah. It teaches that there is no god except Allah and encourages Muslims to worship Him alone.

Prayer and Worship (Salah)

The Quran emphasizes the importance of establishing regular prayers and connecting with Allah through Salah. It teaches that prayer is a means of seeking guidance, seeking forgiveness, and expressing gratitude to Allah.

Moral Conduct

The Quran emphasizes the importance of good moral character. It teaches Muslims to be honest, truthful, just, and kind in their dealings with others. It encourages them to be patient, forgiving, and to fulfil their promises.

Compassion and Mercy

The Quran highlights the importance of showing compassion and mercy towards all creation. It teaches Muslims to be kind to family, neighbours, orphans, the poor, and those in need. It emphasizes that kindness and compassion are traits beloved by Allah.

Justice and Fairness

The Quran promotes justice and fairness in all aspects of life. It encourages Muslims to uphold justice, treat others fairly, and stand against oppression and injustice. It teaches that justice is a fundamental principle of Islam.

Respect and Good Conduct

The Quran teaches Muslims to be respectful and to have good conduct in their interactions with others. It emphasizes the importance of respecting parents, elders, neighbours, and showing kindness to all people regardless of their background.

Modesty and Decency

The Quran encourages Muslims to observe modesty in their appearance, behavior, and interactions. It teaches the value of modesty in dress, speech, and conduct, promoting decency and purity in all aspects of life.

Knowledge and Learning

The Quran emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and encourages Muslims to pursue education and understanding. It teaches that knowledge is a means to grow closer to Allah and to benefit oneself and society.

Preservation of the Environment

The Quran emphasizes the responsibility of humans to be caretakers of the Earth. It encourages Muslims to protect and preserve the environment, avoid wastefulness, and promote sustainable practices.

Brotherhood and Unity

The Quran promotes unity and brotherhood among Muslims. It teaches that all believers are equal in the sight of Allah and encourages Muslims to foster strong bonds of love, harmony, and cooperation.